Timber Structures 3.0 - Biaxial hollow timber slab

The technology developed in the research project external page Timber Structures 3.0 offers engineers the opportunity to design skeleton buildings with flat slabs entirely made of timber. Today these flat slabs are built with cross laminated timber (CLT) elements that are connected on site with a hightech resin to form a plate with arbitrarily large dimensions. In the future, the CLT elements should be replaced by biaxial hollow timber elements to reduce the costs of the slab and to save building material. Therefore, the goal of this project is to develop biaxial hollow timber slab elements that fulfill all requirements on structural safety, serviceability, production and construction.
This project is carried out in collaboration with Berner Fachhochschule, TS 3.0 AG, Schilliger Holz AG and Henkel AG and is kindly supported by Innosuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency .