Fire Dynamics in Timber Structures (TimFix) – Extending the current limits for future timber buildings


In the last decade, timber structures showed the capability to pass standardized fire resistance tests, subsequently empirical design models were developed and later extended by simulations. Recently, fire safety engineering (FSE) has become more important to justify changes on a general level in building regulations and individually for building projects deviating from typical solutions (e.g. by trade-offs or performance based design). Discussions at international conferences and standardisation meetings have occurred that the traditional fire resistance framework is not automatically intended for combustible products. So far, only indicative answers are available. Thus, the objective of TimFix is to define gaps and how to overcome the missing links to consider the fire dynamics when building with timber.


This project is carried out in collaboration with TUM, Taltech, Rise, CSTB, Imperial College and SINTEF and is funded by CEI-Bois.