24th of September 2024 - Der Holzbau-Podcast | Timber Structures at ETH Zurich - Andrea Frangi
⇒ listen (german) external page here
26th of June 2024 - TM Wissen - ServusTV | How safe are timber buildings?
⇒ watch (german) external page here
28th of June 2023 - Schweiz aktuell, SRF | Constructing with timber is gaining trend
⇒ watch (german) on external page SRF
14th of June 2023 - NZZ | A first tall timber building rises into the Zurich sky
⇒ read (german) in external page NZZ
8th of June 2023 - A furnance for safe timber buildings
The new fire simulator has been inaugurated. It permits simulations of realistic fire scenarios to test timber components for the construction of buildings of all sizes.
⇒ read (german) in external page Tagesanzeiger, external page, external page Baublatt and listen (german) on external page Radio SRF
24th of February 2023 - NZZ Format | Construct with timber - Saving the climate?
Together with other experts, Prof. Andrea Frangi looks into the future of timber construction, in Switzerland and worldwide, and its impact on the climate.
⇒ watch (german) at external page NZZ or external page SRF
27th of November 2022 - Treffpunkt Science City:
All about constructions with timber: Raw material, circular economy, climate change, fire, regulations, examples from small to tall, and todays research topics
⇒ watch keynote "Mit Holz hoch hinaus" (german): watch below (external page or externally)

25th of November 2022 - NGW (Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Winterthur, german):
Highrise buildings made of timber – Renaissance of a construction material
⇒ external page watch keynote (german)
21th of February 2022 - SRF, 10vor10 (german):
High-rise buildings made of wood instead of concrete - Of energy dissipation, vertical extensions of existing buildings and planned high-rise buildings.
⇒ external page watch (german)
The same feature aired also in italian, on 1st of May, 2022 - RSI, Tempi Moderni (italian), from 15:45:
⇒ external page watch (italian)
30th of June 2021 - 3sat, Nano (german):
Projekt Pi - The tallest timber building of Switzerland. A nice TV report about the 80m tall timber building of the project Pi in Zug. Prof. Frangi Andrea and Kübler Wolfram from WaltGalmarini AG describe the tests, developments and considerations that are behind this flagship project developed together with Implenia.
6th of May 2021 - RSI, Uno Oggi: Corsa al Legno (italian):
Interview about the positive trend of timber buildings.
⇒ external page listen (whole program, italian) (contribution of Prof. Frangi starts at 1:29:30)
16th of December 2019 - Werkstattgespräche (german):
From the lab to application: What current research renders possible.
⇒ watch below or external page externally (report, german)

20th of April 2019 - SRF, Tagesschau (german):
Despite its combustibility, timber can be safely applied in construction.
⇒ external page watch (report only, german, starts at 10:38)
16th of December 2018 - RSI, Il giardino di Albert (italian):
Construction in the future.
⇒ external page watch (whole program, italian, starts at 10:38)
13th of February 2018 - SRF, 10vor10 (german):
Prof. Frangi explains the increasing popularity of timber as a construction material in Switzerland