Dr. Joachim Schmid

Dr. Joachim Schmid
Staff of Frangi, Andrea (Tit.-Prof.)
ETH Zürich
Additional information
Research area
Fire resistance, calculation models
Spezialisation: combustible building components, timber structures
Since | Membership |
2019 | SFPE |
Year | Distinction |
2019 | 2019 L.J. Markwardt Award |
Additional information
Scientific committee member for conference series SiF/Structures in Fire (2014-)
Scientific committee member for conference series Wood & Fire Safety (2019-) LINK
Guest editor for Fire Safety Journal (2017-2019) LINK
Project Team Member "Fire Part Eurocode 2" (2019-)
Teaching: Luleå Technical University (LTU, Sweden), Linnaeus University Växjö (LNU, Sweden), SP courses
CEO of ETH Zürich spin-off IGNIS - Fire Design Consulting GmbH www.ignis-consulting.eu (2018-)
Research assistent at ETH focus on timber structures in fire (2015-)
Chair of COST FP1404 "Fire Safe Use of Bio-Based Building Products" www.costfp1404.com (2013-2019)
Working areas:
- Fire testing: Expert in CEN/TC127/WG1
- Standardization: Expert in CEN/TC250/SC5/WG2 and CEN/TC193/WG13
- Modelling: thermal and mechanical modelling
- Publication and review of technical papers
- Fiire Resistance of cross-laminated timber
- Fire Dynamics
- Fire Modelling
- Real fire exposure of combustible components
Weitere Publikationen
Peer-reviewed journals:
- Schmid, J., Menis, A., Fragiacomo, M., external page Behaviour of Loaded Cross-laminated timber wall elements in fire condition, Fire Technology, 2015 (re-submitted after minor revision).
- Lange, D., Boström, L., Schmid, J., Albrektsson, J., external page The Reduced Cross Section Method Applied to Glulam Timber Exposed to Non-standard Fire Curves, Fire Technology, 2015 (re-submitted).
- Schmid, J., Just, A., Klippel, M., Fragiacomo, M., external page The Reduced Cross-Section Method for Evaluation of the Fire Resistance of Timber Members: Discussion and Determination of the Zero-Strength Layer, Fire Technology, DOI 10.1007/s10694-014-0421-6,2014.
- Schmid, J., Klippel, M., Just, A., Frangi, A., external page Review and analysis of fire resistance tests of timber members in bending, tension and compression with respect to the Reduced Cross-Section Method, Fire Safety Journal, 2014.
- Schmid, J., König, J., Just, A., external page The reduced cross-section method for the design of timber structures exposed to fire-background, limitations and new developments, Structural Engineering International: Journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) 22 (4), pp. 514-522, 2012.
- Just, A., Schmid, J., König, J., external page Post-protection effect of heat-resistant insulations on timber-frame members exposed to fire, Fire and Materials, 2012.
Conference and meeting contributions:
- Schmid J, Just A, Design Model for Wood I-Joists in Wall Assemblies Exposed to Fire. International Conference on Structures in Fire, Zürich, Switzerland, 2012.
- Just, A., Schmid, J., Ostman, B., Fire protection abilities provided by gypsum plasterboards, World Conference on Timber Engineering 2012, WCTE 2012.
- Klippel M, Schmid J, Frangi A, The Reduced Cross-section Method for timber members subjected to compression, tension and bending in fire. International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, Working Commission W18 – Timber Structures, Meeting 45 (CIB-W18 Meeting 2012), Växjö, Sweden, 2012. p. CIB-W18/45-16-1.
- Just, A., Schmid, J., Effect of mineral wool insulations on charring of timber members, WCTE 2012.
- König J, Schmid J, Light Timber Frame Constructions with Solid Timber Members – Application of the Reduced Cross-section Method. Conference proceedings. CIB W18-Meeting 43, Nelson, New Zealand, Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurholzbau, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2010.
- Schmid, J, König, J and Köhler, J., Design Model for Fire Exposed Cross-Laminated Timber. 6th International Conference on Structures in Fire. East Lansing, Mi., USA, 2010.
- Schmid, J, König, J and Köhler, J, 2010. Fire-exposed cross-laminated timber – Modelling and tests. Accepted for and submitted to World Conference on Timber Engineering 2010.
- König, J and Schmid, J, Bonded timber decks plates in fire. CIB W18, Meeting 40, Bled, 2007.
Curriculum vitae / Personal data
- Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Vienna University of Technology (03/2006)
- Higher School Certificate, Anton-Krieger-Gasse, Vienna (05/1997)
- Research engineer at the division of Wood Building Technology, SP Technical Research institute of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden (03/2008 - 09/2015)
- Construction engineer, Kppk ZT GmbH, Vienna, Austria (05/2006 - 05/2008)
- others: ONNorm, Austrian Standards Institute, Vienna &Alpine Mayreder Construction company (08/1998 - 05/2006)