Glue Line Integrity in Fire (Glif)


The objective of GLIF (Glue Line Integrity in Fire) is the development of a standard fire testing methodology and a classification method of the glue line integrity of CLT and comparable engineered mass timber materials. The classification would distinguish glue lines that do or do not exhibit fall-off of charred or charring layers or lamellae in fire conditions, also referred to as loss of stickability in EN 13381. This is essential to allow the structural designer to choose the appropriate calculation model and the fire engineer to estimate the interaction of the construction element with a fire compartment. The testing methodology will be developed for implementation in Eurocode 5 – Structural Fire Design of Timber (EN 1995-1-2), currently under revision in CEN TC 250 SC5. Information will further be provided to other CEN committees (e.g. TC193, TC124, TC127) for further use. This will allow for a reference to the characterisation and test method in the corresponding product standard (e.g. EN 16351 for CLT).


This project is carried out in collaboration with Rise and gets broad support by the European timber industry: Fachverband der Holzindustrie, Henkel AG, Akzo Nobel, Dynea, Swedish wood, Smart Housing Småland, Studiengemeinschaft Holzleimbau, TMF, Tuermerleim, Rubner Holding, Federlegno Arredo, X-Lam Dolomiti.