Katharina Sroka


ETH Zürich
Doktorat D-BAUG
Katharina Sroka
Frangi, Andrea (Tit.-Prof.)
HIL E 43.2
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich

+ 41 58 765 4317
external pageEmpa - Structural Engineering - PHD Students

Additional information

Research area

Robustness of timber structures – Experimental characterisation of progressive collapse


- 2022: Master of Science in Computational Engineering (MSc), Ruhr-University Bochum, with focus on applications in structural design and resource-efficient construction. Master thesis in resource-efficient construction: tool for the assessment of recyclability and reusability of structural elements in existing buildings (Prof. Hafner).
- 2020: Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering with a Year Abroad (MEng), Imperial College London
- 2019-2020: Year abroad at ETH Zurich. Master thesis in structural engineering at Empa: Buckling behaviour of glued-laminated beech columns with steel reinforcement (Prof. Frangi).

Professional experience

- 10/2020-06/2022: Working student (40%) in bridge design at Arup, Düsseldorf (DE)
- 07-08/2019: Internship in bridge design at Arup, Düsseldorf (DE)
- 06-08/2018: Internship in bridge design at COWI, London (UK)
- 07-08/2017: Internship in construction management at HOCHTIEF Building, Essen (DE)

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